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Selasa, Agustus 09, 2011

A Lot of Benefits by Debating Practice

This writing is an additional writing for my last critical writing titled “Debating Practice Gives Us More Benefits”. As in that writing I showed many benefits of debating practice according to my opinion (from my observation and self-experiences), in this writing I will show many benefits according to some research findings (I got from several books and articles). As I said in my last writing that you can ask the researcher or the expert ones in language skill and they will agree with me.

First benefit, when debating is conducting in English (and also in another language); it opens opportunities to share views on a global basis. To share views on a global basis is not by showing it in news or TV show, writing it into newspapers or books, but also need to be shared by speaking. Debating is a kind of speaking skill that opens the way to share views with the real expressions and live style or argumentation.

Second, as a kind of speaking skill, we need language to speak. Debating practice in English (and also in another language) helps us to develop our language skills of efficient listening, convincing public speaking, and debate for sharing our argumentations in relation to extensive reading and follow-up writing. How it could be?

In debating practice usually there are two teams. When the two teams are debating, each member of each team is not just using the speaking skill. At the same time they are also using their listening skill. They have to listen all of the details of the opponent team’s argument. This activity automatically trains their listening skill.

Then, before the debate, each member of the team should prepare the material of debate one by one then put it together as one. In preparing the material of debate they often have to search many information related to the topic. They may search many motions in the internet or other sources. This activity also automatically trains their reading skill as well.

After listening skill and reading skill are trained automatically, we also develop our writing skill. In preparing the material of debate, after searching for information we also need to write down all information we got and arrange it as well. We need to make the information arranged into the most suitable way that can persuade and can be easily understood by the audience and the adjudicators (the judges or the juries). This activity trains our writing skill too.

Third, by practicing debating, we will not only face the situation and condition in which we have to use our language skill such as speaking, listening, reading and writing at the same time; but also need to use our thinking skills. These are such as logical thinking, argumentation and critical thinking. Debating improves our argumentation skill (Snowball, 1994; Quinn, 2005; Freely, 2009).

In this way, the one who practice debating will be a persuasive speaker that can prove his/her argument. That one will acquire the ability to see the lie and to analyze the speech of his/her opponent. In general that one will be perfect at developing arguments, finding conclusions, and presenting his/her speech persuasively to the audience.

Moreover, that one will be trained to analyze every national and international issue around the world in critical way and logical way of thinking. The issue is not only in social area but also in politics, economics, cultures, law and justice, war issues, global warming issues, natural environment issues, etc. Once these skills be improved, the one will also changed automatically to be a person that more aware on every issue, problem, or conflict that happen in the national or international region.

Above those benefits, the debating activities stimulate our intellectual capacity to solve various problems that we may encounter in life. By developing our debating attitude, we also learn to be open-minded while simultaneously being critical in acknowledging a variety of perspectives.  At last but not least, practice makes perfect. So, keep practicing!

References :
Fisher, A. 2001. Critical Thinking: An Introduction. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Freely, A.J. and D.L. Steinberg. 2009. Argumentation and Debate: Critical Thinking for Reasoned Decision Making. Boston: Wadsworth Cengage Learning.
Snowball, D. 1994. Theory and Practice in Academic Debate. Illinois: Augustana College.
Quinn, S. 2005. Debating. Brisbane: Australian Electronic Publisher.
Unknown. My language training notes years ago.

Denpasar, july 20th 2011

Debating Practice Gives Us More Benefits

A friend of mine in university asked my opinion about his planning to join an English Debating Competition. As his senior (even we are in different major), of course I support him to do his planning as long as that planning is positive and give him many good benefits. But he still has many doubts while there are only few persons who support him. Mostly his friends and lectures give no support at all.

If he wants to go through this English debating competition, the institution won’t give any facility or guidance. It means he goes through the competition by himself even he use his institution’s name (as in behalf of his institution). The reason is mostly because my friend’s major is not studying English and English is just learned two semesters as a completing subject. Then the institution (as his lectures said) feels by joining the competition there is no benefit at all for them (the institution) as they believe that my friend is already lose before he does the competition. They think it is useless.

It is so funny! I am so sorry to say, but for me, as a personal, it such a ridicule that I am as a student cannot practice my knowledge because some peoples think that I am not clever enough or I am not worth to practice it. So why should I keep learning about it if I cannot practice it? It is totally funny and the institution also his friends do big mistake!

Do they (the institution and his friends) never hear that by practicing debating, in English or another language, you ‘kill two birds with one stone’? Or do they never hear that by practicing debating, you ‘get two islands by rowing once oar’? How could they said that there is no benefit, while in fact, there is many benefits you will get by practicing debating. It is very useful for the person, whether he wins or lose; and for the institution, even he lose, the institution’s name is known as an active institution. It will open many opportunities and links for the institution and for the students in future. How could it be useless?

The institution should know that through debating practice, in English or another language, the participant as a person can enhance his/her critical thinking, communicative abilities, and language proficiency at the same time. Debating practice also enhances his/her confidence to speak in front of public. Debating practice is a speaking activity that offers profound and lasting benefits for one’s effective communication. This can’t be learned only in classroom. It should be practiced. The last but not the least, the important benefit is practice makes perfect, the more often one speaks in English or another language, the more she/he will feel confidence to use it in any occasion, either in a public speaking or only in a simple conversation. It is many benefits, isn’t it?!

How could they say there is no benefit? Ask to the researcher or the expert ones in language skill and they will agree with me!



Denpasar, July 20th 2011
Read also my next posted note about 'A Lot of Benefits by Debating Practice''
also posted in my facebook's account at www.facebook.com/jeadist


"In this life we cannot always do great things. But we can do small things with great love." (Mother Theresa)

When someone asks you "what do you want to do in your life?" mostly we will answer if we want to do many great things. It is not wrong but it can make us forget the most important thing. It is not great things or small things we do in this life, but how do we do everything.

Many persons I know well which never want to do small things. Many persons I know well which always want to do only great things. Many of them who love to do great things but without the same great love. But I also know many persons well who always want to do even the small things with great love, never self-prestige and self-profit (and I thank God for knowing them as well).

It is good when we plan to do great things. Help the earth to be more better than this moment, help to decrease corruption in this country, help to make poor ones healthy and have the better life, etc. Those great things never be wrong. But don't forget, before we do great things, start to do from small things first.

When we want to help this earth to be more better that current situation and decrease the global warming, start from the small things. Stop using plastic or decrease the intention of using. Using renewable energies more than nonrenewable energies. using the friendly technologies for environment more than unfriendly technologies. Start to do efficient use of electricity and clean water. Plant trees. Many small things we can do with great love.

When we want to help in decreasing corruption in this country start from ourselves. Do not cheat on the exam or provide a cheat sheets. Do not commit fraud no matter how small it is but trying to always do right. Obey the rules never break it. No compromise for the wrong things. Then we will see there will be no corruption anymore!

When we want to help the poor ones so they can be more healthy and have a better life, start to do it with small things. Do not be goaded by giving donations to beggars on the roadside, but be wise in giving donations. If they are hungry, feed them with healthy foods. If they have many children who are not attending school, help their children by bring their children to the school and donate for their children's study costs. Slowly but sure we make this world better and decrease the poor living.

So, as what Mother Theresa ever did in her life time, we can do many small things with great love. Start from the small things in great love as the love of God. Star from ourselves. In the next days we will see the better living, the better earth, the better world!

With love,

Copyright Jeannita Adisty,
August 9th, 2011. Denpasar Bali, from my comfort room pastem 23


"God knows how much we can handle. So, if you think you're weak, you're not. 'Cause problems are for the strong. Giving up is for the weak." (via The Girl Dictionary)


Sometimes, when we are having a big problem in our life or some small problems inside, we always think for the first that "why should I get this problem? Why not Mr./Mrs. A or Mr./Mrs. B? Why should I?". Then mostly, we will feel if the problem is bigger and bigger 'till we feel so weak to face and fix it. Some of those ones who feel like that already give up, while the rest still have to deal with the problem or almost give up too.

It is not about why we get the problems and not another ones. It is about how we do respond when we are getting a problem, no matter it is big or small. Be strong and never think if "I  am weak". When we already think "I am weak" we already gave up. This makes us lose our enthusiasm, die out the fire of the soul, then we are just down and down. We will be so hard for rising up (trust me, I'm trying to rising up right now, and it's not that easy).

If we are still thinking why we get the problems, the only correct answer is because we can handle them well. That is why God lets those problems come into our life. He knew already if we can handle it well. We just give up first to the negative sounds which say if we are weak, we are bad, we are ugly, we are stupid, how pity we are, etc. So, be positive! Remember if words and sounds that we listen can affect us: negative will bring to the negative, so choose to listen only the positive!

Keep positive thinking when we are in problems. Don't look for who made the problem but look what the problem is. Seek until the root and the bottom of the problem. Then believe if we are strong and we can face them all one by one well. The problem is nothing, you can handle it well because God is with you. God is there, He is nowhere but beside you.

Think positive starts with make ourselves calm by come to the peace and joy inside our body in our spirituality or pray to the God and breath slowly as well. Everyone has their own way in making themselves feel peace but it is always in positive way based in spirituality side and always toward to God; or it is always right, good, and positive. Then forgive ourselves first and try to forgive others, specially those who hurt us. After that, we should give thanks to God because He lets us to have the great life-learning.

Instill in ourselves if problems come in purpose to make us stronger and better than before. Do not give up because we are strong. Just believe and be strong. Tell to all problems if we have the biggest One that is The God Almighty. So problems are nothing! We can face them in faith well. Just be strong and choose not to give up. Remember if in every problem there is a good purpose for us.

"There is no such thing as a problem without a Divine gift hidden within it. You have these problems because you need the gifts they carry within. (via God wants you to know)"

With Love,

Denpasar, August 10th, 2011
From my comfort room, Pastem 23
Copyright Jeannita Adisty
also posted at my facebook's note at www.facebook.com/jeadist