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Jumat, Januari 16, 2009


Sering kali mau bertanya dengan Tuhan, "Kenapa beban ini berat sekali Tuhan? Kenapa semuanya datang bersamaan pada waktu yang sama? dan kenapa semua menjadi beban bagiku? Why I can't let it flow and easy going, but still worry?"

Banyak pertanyaan kenapa, kenapa, dan kenapa... Nggak akan pernah ada habisnya.... Jadi lebih baik tidak usah dipertanyakan.

Then, I think every night, aku percaya Tuhan memiliki rencana INDAH dibalik semua hal yang DIA izinkan terjadi dalam hidupku.

Tidak seharusnya aku mempertanyakan kenapa apalagi mengeluh, sementara kalau flash back, HE GAVE ME WONDERFULL CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR GIFTS.... Masih banyak hal-hal lain yang patut dan harus disyukuri dibandingkan mengeluh dan menyimpan kekecewaan.

Manusiawi memang kalau aku bisa merasakan kekecewaan dan letih... Capek rasanya berusaha memberikan yang terbaik, meraih yang terbaik, tapi pintu-pintu masih tertutup. Namun lagi-lagi kalau di flash back, walaupun semua pintu sepertinya tertutup bagiku, pasti ada satu pintu yang terbuka. He always give me an open door :D

Lord Jesus, I let my life on YOU :D
Everything just for YOU...

Aku sadar aku lemah dan tidak mampu melakukan apa-apa tanpa Tuhan... DIA yang selama ini campur tangan, yang mampu menguatkan aku hingga detik ini...

Banyak pergumulan yang aku miliki ya Bapa, dan semuanya aku serahkan dalam tangan pengasihanMU...

So, dibalik senyum dan tawa yang sering dilihat orang lain, sebenarnya tersimpan beban dan pergumulan :D That is why I don't like crowded and noisy :P

Meminjam kalimat seorang sahabat, semakin banyak tawa dan senyum terlihat, semakin banyak air mata yang dihabiskan tanpa sepengetahuan orang lain. (sorry Re, Jean edit dikit kata-kata na biar bagus :P)

So, now I'm trying to not worry again :D


Senin 08.00 - 09.40 wita 2 SKS PERPAJAKAN [IKU1011]

Selasa 08.00 - 10.30 wita 3 SKS MANAJEMEN SUMBER DAYA MANUSIA/MSDM [IKO10093]
10.40 - 13.10 wita 3 SKS AKUNTANSI PERHOTELAN [IKO10202]

Rabu 08.00 - 09.40 wita 2 SKS PERENCANAAN DAN KEBIJAKAN

Kamis 08.00 - 10.30 wita 3 SKS MANAJEMEN KEUANGAN [IKO10082]



This is result for Sociology of Tourism, the main subject for students in fifth semester of Tourism Analyze and Studies in Tourism Faculty of Udayana University :D

  1. o612014001 Ni Komang Inda Permani Suci [76] [B]
  2. o612014002 Made Moga Kharisma [81] [A]
  3. o612014003 I Gde Made Ery Sanjaya [78] [B]
  4. o612014004 Ida Bagus Agung Jaya P. [77] [B]
  5. o612014008 Pasifikus Mala Meko [70] [B]
  6. o612014009 Bayu Ghanapati Rena [79] [B]
  7. o612014012 Fransiska Fila Hidayana [80] [A]
  8. o612014013 Jeannita Adisty [83] [A]
  9. o612014014 Ida Bagus Triana Darmaji [68] [B]
  10. o612014016 Chrislisias Wilmar Purba [72] [B]
  11. o612014018 Yupitrika Anugraha [74] [B]
  12. o612014020 Januarius F. P. A.W. [64] [C]
  13. o612014022 Emike Trisita Dewi [71] [B]
  14. o612014023 Utari Sterla Tibuludji [78] [B]
  15. o612014024 Ni Wayan Suyantiari [69] [B]
  16. o612014027 Bayu Vicky Irawan [79] [B]
  17. o612014028 Kosma Gusi Jata [87] [A]
  18. o612014030 Bram Wijaya [62] [C]
  19. o612014032 Putu Dewi Swastiani [77] [B]
  20. o612014033 I Made Semara Purna [70] [B]
  21. o612014037 Faizal Ahmad [75] [B]
  22. o612014039 Evi Dian Chrisna [78] [B]
  23. o612014040 Firdon Rony Hutabarat [-] [-]
  24. o612014042 Dian Susani E. L. [80] [A]
  25. o612014044 Willy SUkma Adji [-] [-]
  26. o612014047 Ratna Nurul Hidayah [83] [A]
  27. 0612014048 Barita Uli Hutabarat [65] [B]
  28. o612014052 Regina E. Jonathans [62] [C]
  29. o612014053 Dita Ayu Handayani [60][C]
  30. 131883 Sandra Stiegler (exchange student from German) [A]
  31. 209469 Irmela Preissner (exchange student from German) [A]
For further information or need help please contact the team teaching of lectures.
Lectures for this subject: Mr. Anak Agung Palguna (first until midtest) and Mr. Nyoman Ariana

Senin, Januari 12, 2009


We may know the typology of tourists based on many classifications. According to Murphy (1985), typology can be classified into 2 groups that are based on interactional type and based on cognitive-normative models. Based on interactional type, it does emphasize to the interaction characteristics between tourists as guests and local people as host. Based on cognitive-normative models, it does more emphasize to the motivation which caused the travel.

By use of interactionalphenomenological, Cohen (1972) classified tourists based on familiarization levels of destination and tour and travel organized level. Based on its, Cohen differentiated tourists as 4 kinds which are:

1.Drifter, tourists who want to visit some destination where they never know before and travel in small number,

2.Explorer, tourist who travel by arrange their tour by themselves and do not want to follow the usual route but looking for unusual (off the beaten track). These tourists like to use the local standard facilities and high interaction level with local people.

3.Individual mass tourist, tourist who lets his travel organizing into travel agent and visits popular destinations.

4.Organized-mass tourist, tourist who only visit the popular destination with usual facilities as in his country. His travel always leads by travel guide and depend on environmental bubble.

As conclusion, drifter and explorer type are non-institutionalized traveler, whereas individual and organized mass tourist are institutionalized tourist.

Then Smith (1977) also classified tourist into 7 kinds:

1.Explorer, tourist who looking for new travels and has intensive interaction with local community. This tourist accepts a drop of facilities as simplicity in destinations, respect to the norm and values of local community.

2.Elite, tourist who visits the destination where he did not know before but with organizing before and travel in small number.

3.Off-beat, tourist who looking for his own attraction, doesn’t visit the crowded and noisy places and also ready to accept the simple facilities in destination.

4.Unusual, tourist who in his travel add addition/extra activities to visit new places or do some risk activities. This tourist ready to accept the simple facilities but also asked for the standard facilities in destination.

5.Incipient mass, tourist who travel individually or in small group and looking for destination where has standard facilities bur still offers originality or authenticity.

6.Mass, tourist who travel to destinations with similar facilities as his origin country or visits destinations with similar environmental bubble. This tourist has low interaction with local community except they be in contact to tourism service trade directly.

7.Charter, tourist who visits the destination where has similar environment to his origin country and only for having fun and relaxing. This tourist travel in large number and ask for high standard of facilities/international facilities.

Based on cognitive-normative models, motivation as background for travelling reason is the main focus. For this kind, the sociology concept about tourist’s centre as to the morality, values, norm, etc, become important. Related to its, Plog (1973) evolved typology of tourist into 2 kinds:

1.Allocentric, tourist who wants to visit destinations where he did not know before. Usually as adventure characteristic and use all facilities prepared by local community.

2.Psychocentric, tourist who only wants to visit destinations where already had standard facilities as his origin country. He travels by certain program and use international standard facilities.

3.Mid-centric, tourist who situated between allocentric and psychocentric.

According to this, Cohen (1979) also differentiated tourist into a group of modern pilgrimage tourist and a group of search for pleasure tourist. In this case, Cohen viewed that centre for a tourist could be spiritual centre or cultural centre where this person is looking for “meaning/sense”. This “meaning/sense” cannot find at home but in travel. Based on this phenomenology, Cohen divided tourist as:

1.Existential, tourist who is leaving his daily life and looking for escapee to expand his spiritual needs with join the local community intensively.

2.Experimental, tourist who is looking for different life style than his daily life style by join the local community visited life style. This tourist directly assimilates into the way of life of local community.

3.Experiential, tourist who is looking for the meaning into the local community life and enjoys the originality of traditional life of local community.

4.Diversionary, tourist who is looking for escapee from his bored routine activities and looking for recreational facilities in high standard/international standard facilities.

5.Recreational, tourist who is doing his travel as a way to entertain himself, for relaxation, and refresh his spirit (physically and psychology) by looking for the comfort places.

The conclusion is existential, experimental and experiential tourists are include into modern pilgrimage, whereas diversionary and recreational are include into search for pleasure type.

Based on tourists behavior, Gray (1970) differentiated tourists into 2 kinds which are:

1.Sunlust tourist, who visit destination with primary purpose for resting and relaxation, so this kind of tourist always visits destination in multiple S characteristic (sun, sea, sand). This tourist hopes for weather and climate, facilities, foods, etc as similar standard as his origin country.

2.Wonderlust tourist, who motivated to get new experiences, knows new cultures, views beautiful scenes, with originality, unique points and high education values.

All typology of tourist above has weakness such as:

1.It’s theoretical and may not originally found into tourism field. For example all tourists also has their own itinerary even though it’s not too tight and simple.

2.A tourist not always be in one type for all along. It maybe change depend on his travel time and needs.

3.All typology are not consider to what caused for a tourist has specific behavior for example a tourist prefer to travel by himself/individually than in a large number caused by financial or time consideration.

4.A tourist experience at destination is not singular but combination from many experiences that maybe include into different typology.

5.All typology is ethic which based on research view/opinion and not emic.

6.It is too static and descriptive where using empirical macro without considering the empirical micro situation.


Cohen, Eric. 1972. Toward Sociology of International Tourism. Social Research 39 (1) : 164-182.

Cohen, Eric. 1979. Rethinking the Sociology of Tourism. Annals of Tourism Research 6 (1) : 19-35.

Gray, H. 1970. International Travel-International Trade, DC Healt, Lexington.

Murphy , P.E. 1985. Tourism: A Community Approach. New York and London : Routledge.

Plog, S.C. 1973. Why Destination Areas Rise and Fall in Popularity. Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Association Quarterly 14 (3) : 13-16.

Smith, V. (ed). 1989 [1977]. Host and Guests: The Anthropology of Tourism. Philadelphia. University of Pennsylvania Press.


Tourism has been a dominant social-economic activities today as a huge industry since this end of century 20 (WTO, 2000). Like John Urry said, “People are much of the time ‘tourist’ whether they like it or not” (John Urry, 1990:82). It means every people, without acceptance of persons, are tourists. It’s caused every people in their life would make some travel, move to one place to another place.

Tourism is present because there is tourists, so tourists analyze is one of the sociology of tourism’s focus. Tourist in essentials is person who isn’t work and has vocation/holiday. Tourist voluntarily visits other place to get “something else” (Smith, 1977).

To study about tourists in their sociologist aspect is study about their motivation, demography criteria, social-economic criteria, the purpose of visit, length of stay, activities that tourists do at destination, satisfaction level, etc.

Want to know more??? Watch out my blogs because I’ll post more to add our knowledge in Tourism Field :D

WTO (World Tourism Organisation). 2000. Tourism Highlights 2000. Madrid 2nd end. Ed.

Urry, J. 1990. The Tourist Gaze: Leisure and Travel in Contemporary Societies. London: New bury Park.

Smith, V. (ed). 1989 [1977]. Host and Guests: The Anthropology of Tourism. Philadelphia. University of
Pennsylvania Press.